
Dental Code

Current And Past Dental Terminology For D2022

Most common D2022 code reviews : HbA1c in-office, point-of-service testing - not covered, Scaling in the presence of generalized moderate or severe gingival inflammation - full mouth, after oral valuation or Accession of tissue, gross and microscopic examination, preparation and transmission of written report.

D2022 Procedures:

Sealant-per tooth Sealants and/or Preventive Resin Restorations are Benefited once per tooth on the occlusal surface of permanent first and second molars for Patients through age fifteen (15). The teeth must be free from caries orrestorations on the occlusal surface. A sealant or preventive resin restoration done on the same date of service and on the same surface as a restoration is considered a component of the restoration, and the fee for the sealant or preventive resin restoration is Disallowed.

D2022 Dental Code

A patient encounter with a practitioner whose opinion or advice regarding evaluation and/or management of specific problem; may be requested by another practitioner or D2022 appropriate source The consultation includes an oral evaluation he consulted practitioner may initiate diagnostic and/or therapeutic services.

2019 D2022 CDT

In lieu of surgery, the formation of a pathway to achieve an apical seal without surgical intervention ecause of a non-negotiable root canal blocked by foreign bodies,D2022 included but not limited to separated instruments, broken posts or alcification of 50% or more of the roots.

2025 (Updated) Version D2022

Re-cement or re-bond inlay, onlay, veneer or partial coverage restoration

Pin retention-per tooth, in addition to restoration is a benefit, once per tooth, when necessary on permanent tooth and when completed at the same appointment as the restoration. Additional pins on the same tooth are Disallowed as a component of the initial pin placement. The fee for pin retention when billed In Conjunction With a buildup is Disallowed as a component of the buildup procedure.

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